
Danubia Orchestra: Mozart, the Star of the Pralines

Danubia Orchestra: Mozart, the Star of the Pralines

Presentation of the Danubia Orchestra's new family performance at the Kalandra Fül Festival!

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Last event date: Saturday, February 24 2024 10:00AM

Family Concert
Danubia Orchestra: Mozart, the Star of the Pralines

Conductor and Storyteller: Máté Hámori
Presenter: Ányos Elek
Host and Conductor: Hámori Máté

Further performances of the festival:
Viola joke: 11:30, Concert Hall
The bell rings for noon: 13:30, Rooftop Hall
Csoda and Kósza: 15:00, Concert Hall
The bell rings for noon: 16:00, Rooftop Hall
Ta-da-da-daaam!: 17:00, Concert Hall

Our offer


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Featuring: János Szemenyei – actor Danubia Orchestra Conductor and Host: Máté Hámori

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